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The tail usually has a fixed horizontal piece (called the horizontal stabilizer) and a fixed vertical piece (called the vertical stabilizer)()





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One of the【C1】______ beautiful sights in the bird world is the male peafowl, or peacock, strutting (炫耀) proudly【C2】______ with its magnificent【C3】______ raised and its richly【C4】______ tail feathers【C5】______ in the sunlight. The peacock's many colored "tail" is not really a tail at【C6】______. It is a fan【C7】______ of stiff, beautiful feathers. This fan is【C8】______ by the peacock's true tail. In【C9】______ to the glorious plumage, a peacock has a crest of upright feathers on its head.【C10】______, the peahen, or female peafowl, is usually colored a dull brown and has neither【C11】______ nor crest.

  The peafowl is a member of the pheasant【C12】______. It may be found【C13】______ wild in the jungles of Asia and of the East Indies. Tame peafowl may be seen in nearly all other parts of the world,【C14】______, although their flesh and their eggs are【C15】______ good for【C16】______ use, they are generally kept【C17】______ ornaments or curiosities in parks and in zoos. Peafowl in a wild state feed【C18】______ grass, grain, frogs, insects and snails. In【C19】______, however, they thrive on grains commonly【C20】______ to poultry.








One of the【C1】______beautiful sights in the bird world is the male peafowl, or peacock, st

One of the【C1】______ beautiful sights in the bird world is the male peafowl, or peacock, strutting (炫耀) proudly【C2】______ with its magnificent【C3】______ raised and its richly【C4】______ tail feathers【C5】______ in the sunlight. The peacock's many colored "tail" is not really a tail at【C6】______. It is a fan【C7】______ of stiff, beautiful feathers. This fan is【C8】______ by the peacock's true tail. In【C9】______ to the glorious plumage, a peacock has a crest of upright feathers on its head.【C10】______, the peahen, or female peafowl, is usually colored a dull brown and has neither【C11】______ nor crest.

The peafowl is a member of the pheasant【C12】______. It may be found【C13】______ wild in the jungles of Asia and of the East Indies. Tame peafowl may be seen in nearly all other parts of the world,【C14】______, although their flesh and their eggs are【C15】______ good for【C16】______ use, they are generally kept【C17】______ ornaments or curiosities in parks and in zoos. Peafowl in a wild state feed【C18】______ grass, grain, frogs, insects and snails. In【C19】______, however, they thrive on grains commonly【C20】______ to poultry.








History of Lion Dancing – Chinese Folklore Lion da...

History of Lion Dancing – Chinese Folklore Lion dancing is a traditional folk performance in China with a history of more than 2,000 years. In the dancing, two performers share the same costume and wave the part of its head, body and tail respectively. They imitate various gestures of lions through perfect cooperation. Lions, the king of animals, symbolize happiness and good luck, so people usually perform lion dancing in the Spring Festival and other festivals and holidays. Lion dancing can be also seen in other important occasions such as the opening ceremony of shops and stores and weddings, which often attracts so many audience. The lion dance originated in China more than two thousand years ago. The lion is traditionally regarded as a guardian creature. It is featured in Buddhist lore, being the mount of Manjusri. Chinese lion dances can be broadly categorized into two major styles, Northern and Southern. Northern dance was used as entertainment for the imperial court. The northern lion is usually red, orange, and yellow, shaggy in appearance, with a golden head. The northern dance is acrobatic and is mainly performed as entertainment. Southern dance is more symbolic. It is usually performed as a ceremony to exorcise evil spirits and o summon luck and fortune. The southern lion exhibits a wide variety of color and has a distinctive head with large eyes, a mirror on the forehead, and a single horn at he center of the head. The lion dance is often confused with the Chinese dragon dance, which features a team of around ten or more dancers. The lion dance is usually performed by two people.



Usually, on Chinese New Year’s eve for the reunion dinner, the fish “yu” is one of the most popular foods, and it is served whole, with head and tail attached, symbolizing a good beginning and ending


Which of the following does the author intend to say?

A.Dogs and cats are not good friends.

B.Dogs are much friendlier than cats.

C.Dogs and cats are usually good pets.

D.Dogs use tail language more than cats.



Which of the following does the author intend to say?

A.Dogs and cats are not good friends.

B.Dogs are much friendlier than cats.

C.Dogs and cats are usually good pets.

D.Dogs use tail language more than cats.



No two comets ever look identical, but they have basic features in common, one of the

most obvious of which is a coma. A coma looks like a misty, patch of light with one or more

tails often streaming from it in the direction away from the Sun.

  At the heart of a comet's coma lies a nucleus of solid material, typically no more than

(5)  10 kilometers across. The visible coma is a huge cloud of gas and dust that has escaped

from the nucleus, which it then surrounds like an extended atmosphere. The coma can extend

as far as a million kilometers outward from the nucleus. Around the coma there is often an

even larger invisible envelope of hydrogen gas.

  The most graphic proof that the grand spectacle of a comet develops from a relatively

(10)  small and inconspicuous chunk of ice and dust was the close-up image obtained in 1986 by

the European Giotto probe of the nucleus of Halley's Comet. It turned out to be a bit like a

very dark asteroid, measuring 16 by 8 kilometers. Ices have evaporated from its outer layers

to leave a crust of nearly black dust all over the surface. Bright jets of gas from evaporating

ice burst out on the side facing the Sun, where the surface gets heated up, carrying dust

(15)  with them. This is how the coma and the tails are created.

  Comets grow tails only when they get warm enough for ice and dust to boil off. As a

comet's orbit brings it closer to the Sun, first the coma grows, then two distinct tails usually

form. One, the less common kind, contains electrically charged (i.e., ionized) atoms of gas,

which are blown off directly in the direction away from the Sun by the magnetic field of

(20)  the solar wind. The other tail is made of neutral dust particles, which get gently pushed back

by the pressure of the sunlight itself. Unlike the ion tail, which is straight, the dust tail

becomes curved as the particles follow their own orbits around the Sun.

 The passage focuses on comets primarily in terms of their

A.orbital patterns

B.coma and tails





In the desert world, the seasons differ from one region to another. The Gohi ,which lies roughly between 35℃ and 55℃ north of the equator, is a good example of seasonal change.

  Four seasons are characteristic of the Gobi: spring, summer, fall, and winter, with usually a false spring at the end of winter. These seasons are distinct, with extremes of temperature, as much as 150 between the hottest day in summer and the coldest day in winter.

  Spring in the Gobi usually begins about the second week April. For 2 or 3 weeks there is a period of delightful weather, with warm, sunny days and not too much wind. But these are the days of false spring. About the first of May, the tail end of winter returns, and cold, blustery days of dustburdened winds are the rule then, until early or middle June. The latter part of June, for 2 or 3 weeks after the blowy end of winter is the real spring. It spreads its rather comfortable warmth over the desert, and occasional light rains help the desert grass to come along nicely.

  July, or sometimes mid-June to mid-August is summer. Hot days are the rule, but the nights are cool. Wind and dust again govern the desert, but this is the season when hard rains, if they come at all, are most likely to dump water on the plains.

  Fall usually may be recognized by the encouraging, bright days beginning in mid-August and lasting until mid-September or the first of October. This is the time of year when both men and beasts feel best in the Gobi. The clear air, bright sun, and frosty temperatures make you glad to be alive.

  Winter comes with a rush anytime after the middle of September. One day you may be enjoying a pleasant temperature near the eighties. But suddenly the air cools. In a few hours the temperature has slipped below 50; and a little later cold rain changes to snow and blustering wind.

In this passage the author briefly describes ______.

A.the different seasonal changes

B.the effects of climatic change on msn and beasts

C.the Gobi as a terrible place to live in

D.the seasonal cycle of the Gobi



Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)

For the past two years in Silicon Valley, the centre of America's technology industry, conference-goers have entertained themselves playing a guessing game: how many times will a speaker mention the phrase "long tail"? It is usually a high number, thanks to the influence of the long-tail theory, which was first developed by Chris Anderson, the editor of Wired magazine, in an article in 2004. Though technologists and bloggers chuckle at how every business presentation now has to have its long-tail section, most are envious of Mr. Anderson, whose brainwave quickly became the most fashionable business idea around.

Whether a blockbuster film, a bestselling novel, or a chart-topping rap song, popular culture idolises the hit. Companies devote themselves to creating them because the cost of distribution and the limits of shelf space in physical shops mean that profitability depends on a high volume of sales. But around the beginning of this century a group of internet companies realised that with endless shelves and a national or even international audience online they could offer a huge range of products—and make money at the same time.

The niche, the obscure and the specialist, Mr. Anderson argues, will gain ground at the expense of the hit. As evidence, he points to a drop in the number of companies that traditionally calculate their revenue/sales ratio according to the 80/20 rule—where the top fifth of products contribute four-fifths of revenues. Ecast, a San Francisco digital jukebox company, found that 98% of its 10000 albums sold at least one track every three months. Expressed in the language of statistics, the experiences of Ecast and other companies such as Aragon, an online bookseller, suggest that products down in the long tail of a statistical distribution, added together, can be highly profitable. The internet helps people find their way to relatively obscure material with recommendations and reviews by other people, (and for those willing to have their artistic tastes predicted by a piece of software) computer programs which analyse past selections.

Long-tail enthusiasts argue that the whole of culture will benefit, not just commercial enterprises. Television, film and music are such bewitching media in their own right that many people are quite happy to watch and listen to what the mainstream provides. But if individuals have the opportunity to pick better, more ideally suited entertainment from a far wider selection, they will take it, according to the theory of the long tail. Some analysts reckon that entire populations might become happier and wiser once they have access to thousands of documentaries, independent films and subgenres of every kind of music, instead of being subjected to what Mr. Anderson calls the tyranny of lowest-common-denominator fare. That might be taking things a bit far. But the long tail is certainly one of the internet's better gifts to humanity.

In the first paragraph the author mentioned the conference-goers' guessing game, he wants to show _____.

A.it is usually a high number that speakers mentioned the phrase "long tail".

B.the enormous influence of the long-tail theory.

C.conference-goers liked to entertain themselves playing the game.

D.Chris Anderson was the first who developed "long tail".




A.It has a short tail

B.It has a long tail

C.It has a small tail

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